NOVA Ombudsoffices

About us

NOVA is the Ombudsoffice for Hildesheim and parts of Niedersachsen (which ones exactly, You can see down below). You can contact us for consultation if You are involved with the children and youth welfare system. We are specialised to inform You or Your family about Your rights and support You enforcing them.

We are an independant nonprofit association and therefore not bound to any youth welfare offices. Our consultations are free, strictly confidential and anonymous if needed.

 What do we do?

You can contact us if You have questions about the children and youth welfare system or if You have a conflict with or complaint about (for example) Your guardian, Your foster-parents, Your youth welfare office, Your residential group,…. We can also support You, if You were rejected from the youth welfare system or Your help ends soon.

If You aren’t sure if we can help You, please contact us anyway and we’ll find out together.

Who to contact?

NOVA Hildesheim

NOVA Regional

Online contact

Contact information

Netzwerk, Ombudschaft & InteressenVertretung für Adressat:innen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe

Träger: Unabhängige Ombudsstelle Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Stadt- und Landkreis Hildesheim e.V.

Bischofskamp 24
31137 Hildesheim 
Tel. 05121 282 44 27 oder -28 
Fax.05121 282 44 29